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Knit Hook Sew — Arne&Carlos

Our Night with Arne & Carlos

Arne&Carlos craft craft events craft projects crafting together crumbz craft fibres gifts knitted scarves knitting scarves Superfine Merino knitting kits yarns

Our Night with Arne & Carlos

Every once in a while, in amongst the sea of emails that try to drown you every day, one jumps out at you in your inbox and you read something rather exciting. That’s what happened to us a month ago when we were approached by Australian Country Spinners with the offer of co-hosting an evening with Norway’s most famous export – no, not Carlsberg beer - textile designers Arne & Carlos! We were understandably pretty excited and after excitedly jumping up and down quite a lot we quickly replied with a ‘yes please’. And then it became one of those...

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